Functional Specification 1: -
A login process allows user ID & password to authorize users. From customer requirements user ID takes 9-numarics in lower case from 4 to 16 characters long. The password object takes alphabets in lower case from 4 to 8 characters long. Prepare test case titles or scenario.
Test Case Title 1: Verify user ID
Boundary Value Analysis (Size) Equivalence Class partition (Type)
Min-1 ----- 3 Characters -------Fail Valid Invalid
Min ------- 4 Characters -------Pass a - z A - Z
Min+1---- 5 Characters -------Pass 0 – 9 Special Chars.
Max-1 ---15 Characters ------ Pass Blank field.
Max -----16 Characters ------ Pass
Max+1- 17 Characters ------ Fail
Test case Title 2: Verify password
Boundary Value Analysis (Size) Equivalence Class Partition (Type)
Min-1 ----- 3 Characters ---- Fail Valid Invalid
Min ------- 4 Characters ---- Pass a – z A - Z
Min+1 --- 5 Characters ---- Pass 0 - 9
Max-1---- 7 Characters ---- Pass Special Chars
Max ----- 8 Characters ---- Pass Blank Field
Max+1 – 9 Characters ---- Fail
Test Case Title 3: Verify Login Information
User ID Password Criteria
Valid Value Valid Value Pass
Valid Value Invalid Value Fail
Invalid Value Valid Value Fail
Blank Value Valid Value Fail
Valid Value Blank Value Fail
Invalid Value Blank Value Fail
Blank Value Invalid Value Fail
Blank Value Blank Value Fail
Functional specification 2:
In an insurance application, can apply for different types of policies.
From customer requirements, the system asks age, when a user selects type insurance. The age value should be >17 years and should be <60>
Test case title2: verify age focus when selects type ‘A’ insurance.
Test case title3: verify age value
Boundary value Analysis (BVA) Equally class partition (Type)
Min-1 ------ 17 years ------ Fail Valid Invalid
Min -------- 18 years ------ pass 0 - 9 a - z
Min+1 ---- 19 years ------ pass A - Z
Max-1 ---- 58 years ------ pass Special Characters
Max ------ 59 years ------ pass Blank fields
Max+1 – 60 years ------ pass
Functional Specification 3: -
In a shopping application, users can apply for p items purchase.
From customer requirements, the system allows users to select item no. and entry of quantity upto 10 items. System returns the price of each item and total amount with respect to given quantity.
Test case Title 1: verify item number selection
Test case Title 2: Verify Quantity value
Min-1 ----- 0 item ------ Fail Valid Invalid
Min ------- 1 item ------ Pass 0 – 9 a - z
Min+1 --- 2 items ----- Pass A - Z
Max-1 ---- 9 items ---- Pass Special Characters
Max ----- 10 items ---- Pass Blank field
Max+1 – 11 items ---- Fail
Test case title 3: verify total = price of one item X given quantity.
Functional specification 4: -
A door opens when a person comes in front of the door & closes when the person comes inside.
Prepare test caser titles:
Test case title 1: verify the door opens
Person Door Criteria
Present Opened Pass
Present Closed Fail
Absent Opened Fail
Absent Closed Pass
Test case title 2: verify the door close
Person Door Criteria
Inside Closed Pass
Inside Opened Fail
Outside Closed Fail
Outside Opened Pass
Test case Title 3: Verify door operation when a person is standing in the middle of
the door.
Person Door Criteria
Middle of the Door Closing Fail
Middle of the Door Opened Pass
Middle of the Door Partly closed Fail
Functional Specification 5: -
Prepare test case shutdown for computer operation.
Test case title 1: verify if all the windows are closed when shutting down.
Test case title 2: verify shutdown option selection using Alt+F4.
Test case title 3: verify shutdown option selection using run command.
Test case title 4: verify shutdown operation.
Test case title 5: verify shutdown operation when a process is running.
Test case title 6: verify shutdown operation using power off button.
Functional Specification 6: -
Prepare test case titles for washing machine operation.
Prepare test case titles: -
Test case title 1: Verify Power supply
Test case title 2: Verify door open
Test case title 3: verify water filling with detergent
Test case title 4: verify cloths filling
Test case title 5: verify door close
Test case title 6: verify door close with cloths overflow.
Test case title 7: verify washing settings selection
Test case title 8: verify washing operation
Test case title 9: verify washing operation with lack of water.
Test case title10: verify washing operation with cloths overload
Test case title11: verify washing operation with improper settings
Test case title12: verify washing operation with machinery problem.
Test case title13: verify washing operation due to water leakage through door.
Test case title14: Verify washing operation due to door open in the middle of the
Test case title15: verify washing operation with improper power.
Functional Specification 7: (WIPRO Question)
In an e – banking operation, users connect to bank server using Internet.
From customer requirements, users connect to bank server using a login operation. This login operation maintains below fields.
i) Password --Ã 6 digits number
ii) Prefix ------Ã 3 digits number but doesn’t start with 0 or 1.
iii) Suffix ------Ã 6 digits alphanumeric
iv) Area Code à 3 digits numbers & optional
v) Commandsà Cheque deposit, money transfer, mini-statement & Online
bills payment.
Prepare Test case titles: -
Test case title1: Verify password
Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) Equivalence Class Partition (Type)
Min-1 ------ 5 digits ------ Fail Valid Invalid
Min&Max- 6 digits ------ Pass 0 – 9 a - z
Max+1 ---- 7 digits ------ Fail A – Z
Special Characters
Blank fields
Test case title 2: Verify the prefix. (doesn’t start with 0 & 1)
Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) Equivalence Class Partition (Type)
Min-1 ------- 199 ------- Fail Valid Invalid
Min --------- 200 ------- Pass 0 – 9 a - z
Min+1 ----- 201 -------- Pass A – Z
Max-1------ 998 -------- Pass Special Characters
Max ------- 999 --------- Pass Blank fields
Max+1 --- 1000 ------- Fail
Test case title 3: Verify Suffix
Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) Equivalence Class Partition (Type)
Min = Max = 6 digits alpha numeric ---- Pass Valid Invalid
= 5 digits alpha numeric ---- Fail 0 – 9 Special Characters
= 7 digits alpha numeric ---- Fail a - z Blank fields
A - Z
Test case title 4 : Verify Area Code. (*Optional)
Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) Equivalence Class Partition (Type)
Min = Max = 3 digits no. ----- Pass Valid Invalid
= 4 digits no. ----- Fail 0 – 9 A - Z
= 2 digits no. ----- Fail Blank field a - z
Special Characters
Test case title 5: Verify command selection like Cheque deposit, money transfer, mini statement & online bills payment.
Test case title 6: verify login operation to connect bank server.
Remaining fields Area Code Criteria
Valid Values Valid Name Pass
Valid values Blank Pass
Valid values Invalid value Fail
Invalid values Blank Fail
Invalid values Valid value Fail
Blank Blank Fail
Blank Valid Value Fail
Blank Invalid Value Fail
Functional Specification 8: -
Money withdrawal from ATM with all rules & regulations.
Prepare test case titles:
Test case title 1: Verify valid card for transaction
Test case title 2: verify language selection for transaction
Test case title 3: verify PIN no. Entry
Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) Equivalence Class Partition (Type)
Min = Max = 4 digits no. -------- Pass Valid Invalid
= 3 digits no. -------- Fail 0 – 9 a - z
= 5 digits no. -------- Fail A – Z
Special Characters
Blank Field
Test case title 4: Verify service menu
Test case title 5: verify withdrawal service selection.
Test case title 6: verify prompting for transaction detail receipt.
Test case title 7: Verify Amount type
Test case title 8: Verify Amount entered.
Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) Equivalence Class Partition (Type)
Min-1 -------- 99 ----- Fail Valid Invalid
Min --------- 100 ----- Pass 0 – 9 a - z
Min --------- 101 ----- Fail A - Z
Max-1 --14,999 ------ Fail Special Characters
Max ---- !5,000 ------ Pass Blank fields
Max+1 –15,001 ------ Fail
Test case title 9: verify Amount withdrawn
Test case title10: verify transaction detail receipt print
Test case title11: verify prompt for other users.
Test case title12: verify card eject.
II. (Another Way)
Test case title 1: Verify card insertion
Test case title 2: Verify operation with wrong angle of card insertion.
Test case title 3: verify operation with invalid card insertion. (Eg: Scratches on
card, trecken card, other bank cards, time expired cards, etc,)
Test case title 4: Verify language selection
Test case title 5: verify PIN no. entry
Test case title 6: verify operation with wrong PIN no.
Test case title 7: verify operation when PIN no. is entered wrongly 3 consecutive
Test case title 8: verify Account type selection.
Test case title 9: verify operation when wrong Account type is selected.
Test case title10: verify withdrawal option selection.
Test case title11: verify Amount entry
Test case title12: verify operation with wrong denominations of Amount
Test case title13: verify withdrawal operation success. (Correct Amount, Correct
Receipt & able to take cars back)
Test case title14: Verify operation when the amount for withdrawal is less then
Test case title15: Verify operation when the network has problem.
Test case title16: verify operation when the ATM is lack of amount.
Test case title17: Verify operation when the amount for withdrawal is less than
minimum amount.
Test case title18. Verify operation when the current transaction is greater than no.
of transactions limit per day.
Test case title19: Verify cancel after insertion of card.
Test case title20: Verify cancel after language selection.
Test case title21: Verify cancel after PIN no. entry.
Test case title22: Verify cancel after account type selection.
Test case title23: Verify cancel after withdrawal option selection.
Test case title24: Verify cancel after amount entry (Last Operation)
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