Monday, July 6, 2009

Enhancements in QTP 9.5

Environment Support:

  1. QTP 9.5 supports MS Vista 64 bit edition also, in comparison to QTP 9.2's support for 32 bit edition only.
  2. Support for omnipresent tabbed browsing is also introduced with this version.
Installation and Add-ins:
  1. QTP 9.5 offers all add-ins integrated with the core installation package. Though you still need to buy add-ins separately to get them activated.
  2. For installing QTP 9.5 you have to do a clean uninstall (as mentioned in the HP KB) of previous versions. That means, now on, you would not be able to upgrade from the previous versions.
A refreshing enhancement in QTP IDE GUI I liked this time was the introduction of the ability to see functions related to current tests. Whether you have an external file containing functions or they are inside a reusable actions, you would be able to see all of them at one place. Now no need to dig and scroll through the endless list of functions in your notepad!
Bitmap checkpoint: Earlier using bitmap checkpoint was a pain in a sense that a minor change in pixel and your test would fail. To increase the tolerance we have to go inside windows registry and change the required tolerance value. With QTP 9.5 HP has introduced support for tolerance level direct from the GUI. You can define tolerance in terms of RGB and/or pixels.
Web Add-in Extensibility: Using this feature you can configure and extend the support to those 3rd party custom web controls ( and new technologies like AJAX) which were not supported with the earlier versions. You need to possess fair amount of JavaScript knowledge to handle this. How much help this feature really provide is yet to be seen!
Download 14days QTP 9.5 evaluation
Note: This is not a complete list of enhancements. For detailed list referHelp > What's new in QTP
Please let me know your views on this new version of QTP in the comments section below.

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