Friday, May 29, 2009

Bug Tracking Interview Questions

What is the difference between Bug Resolution Meeting and Bug Review Commitee? Who are the participants in Bug Resolution Meeting and Bug Review Commitee?

Bug resolution meeting: It is conducted in presence of Test lead and Developers where developers gives his/her comment wheather to correct the bug at this time or later and test leader accepts or rejects developers comments and even they decide what methods should be chosen to correct the error so that in regression test no bug should be reported and it should not effect other application.

Bug review commitee:It is often conducted by test lead, project managers in presence on client, where they all decide as to what errors should be considered as bug and what severity level it shuld be treated as.

 What is the difference between a Bug and a Defect?

Bug- Conformed defected is called bug. It is said to be bug only at developer place.

Defect- Any Functionality is wrong then it is said to be defect by testers. It turns to bug in developers place

 What is Defect Life Cycle in Manual Testing?

Defect Life Cycle is the Cycle thru which a defect goes starts when defect found & ends when defect is closed after ensuring its not reproduced.Defect Life cycle is related to Bug found during testing so it doesn depend on Manual & Automated Testing.

Phases of Defect Life Cycle is

1. New : When Defect disccovered.

2.Open: When defect is addressed to the developer. It may then be Rejected, said to be duplicate or deferred.

3. Fix : when it is fixed or defect solved by developer.

4.Close : After defect addressed by developer it comes to Tester to Test, once assured its no more a defect its is Close phase.

There are more phases to this if it is to be discussed in too details but on primary level this is the right answere.


What is the Difference between End to End Testing & System Testing

End to End Testing: From first smoke test build to release of software to end of maintanence

Complete Cycle of testing: From Reqts to Testing to release of software to end of maintanence

system testing:

Ex: There are 7 modules in project

1+2 = Integration testing

(1+2)+3 = Integration testing


(1+2...)+..+7= End of Integration testing = System Testing

 Describe Error Handling in the FRD

 How we can explain a bug which may arrive at the time of tesing. explain that bugs in details.

Explaining a BUG is an ART for a TESTER... has lot of things inside

From my learning...I do this!

1. Moment you get the bug, just double check in the bug DB for duplicates. I mean from the earlier build, it might've been uncovered and recorded as a bug and the release manager might've decided to fix it in later builds.

2. Not there in DB, then analyse the bug for confirmation. If you are strongly recomand that as a bug, you can proceed OR please reconfirm with peers

3. Still BUG? So, go ahead use the Bug Tracking database (if any) or use the excel bug reporting format (whatever you have) But, tell everything clear.

a. Bug Title, Bug Description, The setup you have to reproced, the Priority, Impact

b. H/W and S/W used

c. Screen shots, Log file (if any), SQL Qurey statements...If possible record the entire steps in a movie file and send the clip!!!


Top Ten Tips for Bug Tracking

I recommend adding small comments to the main pieces of codes and using debug messages. You can also implement a "debug mode", which can be a global variable. If that mode is enabled, the variables values will be shown in the critical places of the application. This should help tracking the variables and seing when the problem occurs. (this method can be useful when the development environment does not have a 'watch')


What are the different methods to find all the requirements are covered other than traceability matrix ?

I Think there is no otherway to to solve this question because you may use Test director or Quality centre tool but all are tracebility Matrix...


How can we know bug is reproduceable or not?

If the bug is getting simulated in all the environments available with same simulation steps then we can say the bug is reproduceable otherwise not.


what will be the role of tester if bug is reproduce?

If the bug is reproducible as a tester you have to write your comments in bugtracking tool and say Retest NOT OK.

Also add necessary screen shots if applicable.

Then if the QA MGR wants you to analyze will let you know.


How would you say that a bug is 100 % fixed ???

In quality world you can't say Bug is 100 % fix or 50 % fix . If Bug is fixed than in new verssion we do regression testing to make sure that Bug fix doesn't have any impact on old functionality.


What is build interval period?

In some companies specially in J2EE domain, builds are delivered from development team to the testing team to start the system testing. For example a new product XXX is being released to the testing team so the dev team will deliver a build to the Testing team. Now Testing team will do the testing and then will release the product to the client. Now there is a new version of the product coming up with the name XXX.1 and is being released to the testing team, so this will be the second build and the time between these 2 builds will be called as build interval.

what is build interval period? in simple words plz

It is the period of bug life.

Starts when tester finds a bug

& Ends when Tester marks it as closed


What are the different methods to find all the requirements are covered other than traceability matrix ?

one more method is Testing Matrix, which is nothing but a table index, which shows the result of Equivalence Range methods results, for example

assume that your application is behaving as similar for some range of values, then take the range of values on columns side and test cases on row side, show the result in matrix form


range1 range2 range3

Test CaseA Pass Fail Fail

Test CaseB Fail Pass Fail

Test CaseC Fail Fail Pass


Write the equivalence classes for 1-99 range of value write test case and testdata for a triangle
After closing a bug we can open it again or not why do u like testing than development
what is meant by join,different types of join what are the different types of files saved in the folder along with the test results what r the test activities u may want to automate performance test comes under which type of testing Resource bugs,timely bugs comes under which type of testing can we do performance testing manually Performance testing is a kind of non functional testing,it comes under system testing.

performance test can be done manually...but it is not in practice.
test data for triangle sides,angles,


How to post a BUG

Posting a bug through EMail is not done anywhere these days in real-time , as it would lead to miscommunication and creates lot of confusion at the long run..Hence a tool bought by the company or a tool built by our own company will be used.

The tools features would be almost same even though their GUI might vary. Some tools will have a format like Excel sheet where we can enter the details of a bug and save it ,where an email is sent to the assigned person (name and ID will be set in the tool) , when ever status of the bug is changed you will recieve an another mail..

 What do u mean by "Reproducing a bug"? If the bug was not reproducable, what is the next step?

Reproducing Bug means the defect/Bug reappears at dev environment then they will resolve and fix the Bug.

Bug is not reproducable at dev environment then we will send the Execution steps with appropriate Screen shots clearly.


What is the difference between SQA Robot and Rational Robot or does both are same?

SQA robot and Rational Robot are one and same .But only differneces is the advanced verion of SQA Robot is Rational Robot. Both are used for testing IBM Products.



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