Friday, May 29, 2009

Testing Techniques

  • Black Box Testing
  • White Box Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • These principles & techniques can be applied to any type of testing.

 Black Box Testing

 Testing of a function without knowing internal structure of the program.

 White Box Testing

 Testing of a function with knowing internal structure of the program. 

 Regression Testing

 To ensure that the code changes have not had an adverse affect to the other modules or on existing functions.

 Functional Testing

 Ø       Study SRS

Ø       Identify Unit Functions

Ø       For each unit function

·         Take each input function

·         Identify Equivalence class

·         Form Test cases

·         Form Test cases for boundary values

·         From Test cases for Error Guessing

Ø       Form Unit function v/s Test cases, Cross Reference Matrix

Ø       Find the coverage

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