Monday, June 1, 2009

Difference between Tests Methodology and Testing Techniques?

what is difference between Tests Methodology and Testing Techniques?

Testing Methodology
We begin the testing process by developing a comprehensive Plan to test the general functionality and special features On a variety of platform combinations. Strict quality Control procedures are used. The process verifies that the Application meets the requirements specified in the system Requirements document and are bug free. At the end of each Testing day, the team prepares a summary of completed and
Failed tests. Our programmers address any identified issues, And the application is resubmitted to the testing team until every item is resolved. All changes and retesting are Tracked through spreadsheets available to both the testing And programming teams. Applications are not allowed to Launch until all identified problems are fixed. A report is Prepared at the end of testing to show exactly what was Tested and to list the final outcomes.

Our software testing methodology is applied in three Distinct phases: unit testing, system testing, and Acceptance testing.

Unit Testing:
The programmers conduct unit testing During the development phase. Programmers can test their Specific functionality individually or with other units. However, unit testing is designed to test small pieces of Functionality rather than the system as a whole. This allows The programmers to conduct the first round of testing to eliminate bugs before they reach the testing staff.

System Testing:
The system is tested as a complete,Integrated system. System testing first occurs in the Development environment but eventually is conducted in the Production environment. Dedicated testers, project managers, Or other key project staff performs system testing
Functionality and performance testing are designed to catch Bugs in the system, unexpected results, or other ways in Which the system does not meet the stated requirements. The Testers create detailed scenarios to test the strength and Limits of the system, trying to break it if possible. Editorial reviews not only correct typographical and Grammatical errors, but also improve the system’s overall Usability by ensuring that on-screen language is clear and Helpful to users. Accessibility reviews ensure that the System is accessible to users with disabilities.

Acceptance Testing:
The software is assessed against The requirements defined in the system requirements Document. The user or client conducts the testing in the Production environment. Successful acceptance testing is Required before client approval can be received.

Test Strategy

The test team worked with the project team members to Formulate a test plan, a schedule, and strategies based on The Small IT Solution scope and identified small business Customer scenarios.

The identified customer scenario, for the solution testing,Is a small business of approximately 50 PCs. The customerWould have in place a peer-to-peer network. They may alsoHave a limited number of existing Microsoft servers or otherserver products not developed by Microsoft. The customer Approach toward migration would be to implement Windows Small Business Server 2003, Standard Edition on new hardware And then migrate existing data and configurations to the new

The development team was expected to have unit tested the Recommendations and configurations provided in the documentation. This includes verifying the service
Recommendations and specifying the correct sequence of steps to ensure proper configuration. The deployment topology and Architectural choices, regarding the network and servers, Are assumed to have been validated as best practices by the
Solution architect and Microsoft product groups relevant to The solution. The deployment topology, architectural Choices and the validation results of unit testing were Provided before the solution testing began.

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