Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Traceability Matrix,Defect Leakage, Buffer Overflow, Bidirectional Traceability

What is Traceability Matrix?
Traceability Matrix is a document used for tracking the requirement, Test cases and the defect. This document is prepared to make the clients satisfy that the coverage done is complete as end to end, this document consists of Requirement/Base line doc Ref No., Test case/Condition, and Defects/Bug id. Using this document the person can track the Requirement based on the Defect id.

Boundary value testing
it is a technique to find whether the application is accepting the expected range of values and rejecting the values which falls out of range.
Ex. A user ID text box has to accept alphabet characters (a-z) with length of 4 to 10 characters.
BVA is done like this, max value:10 pass; max-1: 9 pass;
max+1=11 fail ;min=4 pass;min+1=5 pass;min-1=3 fail;
Like wise we check the corner values and come out with a conclusion whether the application is accepting correct range of values.

Equivalence testing
it is normally used to check the type of the object.
Ex. A user ID text box has to accept alphabet characters ( a - z ) with length of 4 to 10 characters.
In +ve condition we have test the object by giving alphabets. i.e a-z char only, after that we need to check whether the object accepts the value, it will pass.
In -ve condition we have to test by giving other than alphabets (a-z) i.e A-Z,0-9,blank etc, it will fail.

What is Defect Leakage ?
Defect leakage occurs at the Customer or the End user side after the application delivery. After the release of the application to the client, if the end user gets any type of defects by using that application then it is called as Defect leakage. This Defect Leakage is also called as Bug Leak.
What is Bidirectional Traceability ?
Bidirectional Traceability must be implemented from both forward & backward(i.e from requirements to end products and from end products to requirements) When the the requirements are fully managed then traceability should be established between source requirements to its lower level requirements and from lower level requirements to source. This helps us to determine all the source requirements have been completely addressed.
What is Buffer Overflow?
A buffer overflow occurs when a program or process tries to store more data in a buffer (temporary data storage area) than it was intended to hold. Since buffers are created to contain a finite amount of data, the extra information - which has to go somewhere - can overflow into adjacent buffers, corrupting or overwriting the valid data held in them

What is a Memory Leak?
A memory leak occurs when a programmer dynamically allocates memory space for a variable of some type, but then fails to free up that space before the program completes. This leaves less free memory for the system to use. Repeated running of the program or function that causes such memory loss can eventually crash the system or result in a denial of service.
What is 'configuration management'?
Configuration management is a process to control and document any changes made during the life of a project. Revision control, Change Control, and Release Control are important aspects of Configuration Management

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